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When Divine Calling Meets Your Generosity: Dr. Melissa Davis' Kenya Journey

Dr. Daniel Gilbert

Updated: Feb 9

Dr. Melissa Davis
From dissertation to destination: Dr. Melissa Davis brings deep worship wisdom to Kenya's eager hearts. Your giving made this possible!

The tapestry of EmPowered Living's mission gains new color through Dr. Melissa Davis, PhD.

Your generosity brought her teaching to Kenya, where her expertise flowed like honey into jars of clay.

In ways that surprised even her, God is using her knowledge to sweeten Kenya's tomorrow.

"Several years ago, I felt God's call to go to East Africa," Dr. Davis recalls.

That divine call would lead her down an unexpected path.

After visiting Elim Theological Institute in Kenya, she caught the vision.

The desperate hunger for biblical truth was palpable – you could see it in weathered hands clutching worn notebooks, hear it in the passionate questions that filled the air, feel it in the intensity of attention that made even the whirring fans seem quiet.

That first visit changed everything. In the eyes of pastors who had walked miles to attend class, in the voices of women who dared to dream of ministry, in the prayers that rose like incense in the African heat – she recognized a divine appointment. This wasn't just a teaching opportunity; it was a calling written in dust and determination.

Now, twice a year, Dr. Davis returns to these sacred spaces. Like seasons of spiritual harvest, her visits mark the rhythm of transformation in Kenya's spiritual landscape.

Each time she steps off the plane into Kenyan sunshine, the same holy conviction confirms her purpose: these precious souls deserve the very best biblical training we can offer.

Thanks to your generosity, EmPowered Living is able to invite Dr. Davis to join our team in Kenya each year. Your support is not only educating local pastors but also facilitating cross-cultural exchanges like hers that enrich both teachers and students.

Dr. Davis was particularly moved by the opportunities ELIM Theological Institute provides for women in ministry. “It can be very difficult for women in ministry in Kenya to access theological education and excel in ministry. So I was excited to see the number of women engaged in the classes.”

She developed a course on worship that transforms more than minds – it touches hearts.

Thanks to you, Dr. Davis' careful study of worship now echoes through Kenyan churches. Her dissertation left university halls and found new life in ELIM's classrooms, where eager pastors drink in every word.

Your giving bridges the gap between academic excellence and practical ministry.

"I watched as these precious Kenyans grappled with 'worship' and came together as a family to grow and learn together in our intimacy with God."

You can hear it in their worship now – voices lifted in new understanding, hands raised with fresh confidence.

Your investment creates these holy moments.

Dr. Melissa Davis' journey to Kenya, made possible by your giving, paints a vivid picture of transformation:

  • Women once silenced now teach with authority

  • Cultural barriers crumble like ancient walls

  • Spiritual understanding deepens like well-water

  • Communities strengthen like interwoven fabric

In every corner of ELIM, your generosity meets a holy purpose.

Thanks be to God!

Smiling headshot of EmPowered Living founders Dr. Daniel and Mary Beth Gilbert in business casual attire

Dr. Daniel & Mary Beth Gilbert


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