Ebenezer Children's Home
EmPowered Living is proud of its eleven-year partnership with Ebenezer Children's Home in Siaya, Kenya. Here, resilient children who have found themselves without caregivers get a safe, nurturing environment where they can heal, grow, and experience the unconditional love of a family.

Sense of Belonging
Because of the consistency and safe presence they receive, children get a sense of belonging that is rare. They truly feel like they belong to a family.

Emotional Support
Children come to Ebenezer traumatized. Trauma-informed care workers meet each child's emotional and spiritual needs, offering them hope and empowering them to build brighter futures.

Having lived outside of any adult care, the consistency of physical, emotional and spiritual caregivers launches them into adulthood as confident leaders.

Food & Water Security
Consistent access to enough food and water for an active, healthy life helps children develop well, physically and emotionally.

Education Assistance & School Supplies
Most Kenyan children cannot afford school. Eager to learn, with assistance, Ebenezer students pass national exams at higher than average rates.

Health & Hygiene Care & Training
Children receive medical care, instruction in hygiene, a new mattress annually, life-saving mosquito nets and more.
Meet The Ebenezer Team
Paul Ocheing

Vivian Ochieng

George sits in the shade of a big tree just outside Ebenezer Children's Home and School. He can hear the children inside chanting their arithmetic lesson. He can't understand what their words mean. A tear runs down George's cheek. “I will never be able to go to school,” he thinks.
Your gift will send children like George in Siaya County Kenya to school. You can wipe away his tears and replace them with happy dreams about the better life he's building - because of you.
Will you change our children's future?
Thank you!
Dr. Daniel and Mary Beth Gilbert

Will You Change A Child's Life?